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Group VortexHealing® Sessions


VortexHealing® is a divine energy healing modality. We call it the Merlin lineage because Merlin was a member of the spiritual lineage that in the present day we call VortexHealing®. I began training in this modality in 2007 with Lorraine Goldbloom . By 2009 I had taken 3 levels of training and decided to start holding group healing sessions at Madison Wellness Center.  I asked Roxana Alonso, a Vortex Healer friend who I'd met in class, to channel the sessions with me and she agreed. The session gradually grew in popularity and after about 6 months, we were averaging about 15 participants, most of whom came in person to Madison Wellness, the rest having registered for our distant healing list. By this time we were starting to get some nice testimonials, like this one from Jackie Guarracino who's a Deer Spirit Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher (Jackie came to the group VortexHealing® session and asked if we could send distant healing to her mother. Roxy and I included her in the session and a week later, Jackie sent me this e-mail) -  


"Thank you so much Geordie and Roxana for my mom's distant vortex healing. When I went to see her after the session, my mom looked like a new person and she was overwhelmed by the warm feeling she felt during the session and was starting to feel much better. She has not been feeling well for about 2 months and in about 2-3 days after this session she was back to herself—AMAZING!" —Jackie Guarracino, Deer Spirit Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher


After working with Roxy for about 9 months, she could no longer work with me because of health issues and I asked Carol Ribner (another friend who I'd met in VortexHealing® classes) to partner with me. She consented and this began a very nice collaboration that is still thriving. The sessions became more popular as Carol and I collaborated. More and more people were signing up and the distant healing list eventually became much bigger as the in - person portion of the event shrunk. When Madison Wellness Center closed in July 2017, we decided to eliminate the in person - portion. Since then, the event has been distant healing only, with a 30 minute audio only conference call before the healing. We average  25 - 30 participants in the sessions. Over the years, we've gotten so many written testimonials that I can't post them all. You can view a selection of them HERE


The VortexHealing® Psychic Splits Series


Carol and I are offering a new Psychic Splits 5 session series starting February 2025. The audio only conference calls goes from 7:15 - 7:45pm ET and the distant healing goes from 7:45 - 8:45pm ET except the Super Session in which the healing goes from 7:45 - 9:15.

All sessions are held on Thursdays. Sign up for all 5 sessions for $90, a $17 savings! Here are the dates and themes -

                                                     Session 1 -  Structure vs. Flow, Thurs. Feb. 20th, $20

Session 2 - Faith vs Fear, Thurs. April 3rd, $20
Session 3 - Attraction vs. Repulsion, Thurs., April 24th, $20

Session 4 - Male vs. Female, Thurs. May 22nd, $20

Session 5 - Left Brain vs Right Brain 90 Min. Super Session , Thurs. June. 19th, $27


If you'd like to register for all 5 sessions you can do so for $90 (a $17 savings).

Carol and I will be using VortexHealing® and my own modality, Angelic Liquid Light Healing® (not a VortexHealing® energy) in the sessions.


Carol is a Manifesting Intention Level VortexHealer and I'm at the LifeForm level of VortexHealing®. For more info about Angelic Liquid Light Healing click HERE , and for more info about VortexHealing® go HERE


We still call the event a VortexHealing® session even though since 2015 I've  been channeling Angelic Liquid Light for at least 80% of the session. The 2 modalities complement each other very nicely!



How To Get The Most Out Of The Session


Participants are encouraged to make a written or mental list of their intentions for the session. What do you want to heal, let go of, bring in or enhance in your life (your intentions don't have to be directly related to the theme). We don't have to know what your intentions are, we simply channel with the intent to address whatever you want and need. If you don't have specific goals for the session, just ask for "whatever is best for me". During the session, simply lie or sit down in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and give the angels permission to help you. Then all you need to do is relax and be receptive. Feel free to email feedback to us afterward - we'd love to hear about what you experienced!


Group VortexHealing® Session  Registration Instructions


In order to register, you must email me via the contact form on the contact page stating that  you want to be put on the distant list. For distant participation, give me your full name as you want it written on the distant list. If you're putting pets on the free pet's list tell me their name and if they're a dog, cat or whatever. For payment, I prefer Venmo payment to Geordie-Numata or Zelle / Chase Quick Pay to, but you can also Paypal me your $20 (or $27 for a 90 min. Super Session) by going to the contact page of this website and clicking on the "Buy Now" button. This will take you to my PayPal page. If you don't have a PayPal account, click on the "Pay with debit or credit card" option and fill in the fields with your credit or debit card info. When I receive notification of your payment, I'll put you on the distant healing list and send you the conference call numbers. The conference call will go from 7:15 - 7:45, then we'll end the call and start the healing session, which will last for an hour for regular sessions, 75 min. for Mantra Bath sessions and 90 min. for Super Sessions. 


Group VortexHealing® Session Testimonials


"The distance healing was very powerful for me. It provided physical healing for me as well as helping me to continue on my spiritual path. I have been stuck at the level of the heart chakra forever and the healing left me sensing more opening there than I have before. And I had been experiencing sharp pains at that point, which I had gone to the doctor for - I thought I was having heart problems. I have had no pain since Thursday pm! And I feel lighter, freer." M.S. (distant participant in Delaware, USA) 

"That was and still is the most amazing healing ever. My ears filled with a ringing sound so loud and my heart was pounding seemingly out of my chest. I wanted the fear to stop. Then a waterfall of pure light fell over and through me and I calmed to a beautiful inner light. My ears are still ringing and I know that to be the angels singing!" Beautiful! - L.Z. (distant participant in California)

"Wow! I just wanted to thank you so much for last night's distant vortex session. It was one of the most powerful sessions I've had from you and Carol before and as you know I'm a regular, ha! The last 30 min I felt as if my heart was opening up to pure loving energy and it was indescribable. Thank you so much!" - S. B. (distant participant in Toronto)

"Amazing!! I felt so exhilarated, excited yet deeply @ peace. I'm still feeling the peace and tranquility." - M.B.

"wow. you guys...just WOW!! such a delivery of clarity to me in this one. great calmness to my heart and clarity to my mind. was able to let so much go that the energy leaving my field was palpable. no problem because it was followed by a great wave of love and i am still floating awash in an emotional sea of realizing/manifesting the next leg of the voyage. blessings my beautiful friends." - C.S.J. (distant participant in Texas)

"I must say that last nights session was very profound. It feels like everything has come together. I wasn't feeling great for a couple of weeks and I was losing faith and courage in all things. I was ready to ditch all spiritual pursuits. After last nights integration / harmonization session I feel invigorated and motivated again. Thanks to both of you for providing these sessions!" - KC - (distant participant in Toronto)

"I have gotten 3 distant group VortexHealing® sessions and I just wanted to say it is incredible how powerful it feels each time. Even the times I wasn't able to to fully concentrate and enjoy the experience, I felt such a sense of joy and upliftment wash over me when I was doing tasks and I knew this was real what I was experiencing. I suffer from depression and each session makes me feel like a child at my healthiest and happiest state, or as if I am on a very high dose of anti - depressants without the terrible side effects. It means so much to me and I just want to thank you so much - you truly have a gift!" - SB (distant participant in Toronto)

"The session was fabulous, afterward I felt light as a feather. It's hard to put the experience into words ... felt like my soul was being caressed" - Jane (distant participant in Montreal)


VortexHealing® is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing® visit







"Everything you want is on the other side of fear" - Jack Canfield

Life coach

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