Deer Spirit Reiki Circle
IN PERSON MEETINGS OF DEER SPIRIT REIKI CIRCLE HAVE BEEN RESUMED!! They will be held on the 1st Saturday of the month at Moxi Wellness in the Soho region of Manhattan NYC, 5pm - 7:15pm, $20, RSVP required.
THE FREE CONFERENCE CALL REIKI CIRCLE WILL STILL BE HELD EVERY MONDAY NIGHT, 7 - 8PM, GUIDED MEDITATION AND GROUP SELF HEALING & DISTANT HEALING FOR THE VIRUS AND WORLD PEACE. The circle is free but I will gladly accept donations via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to geordie@deerspriitreiki.com and PayPal via the contact page. RSVP for this circle via the contact form on the contact page
In my personal and professional life as a teacher and healer, I have developed a deep appreciation for the value of communities in which common interests and universal spiritual values are shared. When we pray, meditate, celebrate and share healing in compassionate community, our bodies and spirits are renewed and enhanced, we make new friends and our relationships deepen.

Altar at Deer Spirit Reiki Circle
I started the Deer Spirit Reiki Circle on the Vernal Equinox (1st day of spring), Monday, March 20th, 2006. At the time, I had a Reiki Master Teacher certificate, an unemployment check and a dream. My dream was to become a full time healer / teacher / astrologer, and it all began to come true after I started the Reiki circle.
The circle was held every Monday night for 11 yrs. from 7pm to 9:30pm at Madison Wellness Center, 171 Madison Ave. @ 33rd St., Suite 908. On Friday, July 28th, 2017 Patricia and Glen Scarpelli, the proprietors of Madison Wellness decided to leave this world together. Without them, I never could've become what I am today. They gave me a chance when I came to their center and asked them if I could start my Reiki circle there. Deer Spirit Reiki circle was a success, and before long, I was teaching all my Reiki classes and scheduling my private healing sessions and astrology readings at Madison Wellness. It was the best 11 yrs of my life!
Deer Spirit Reiki Circle is now being held bi weekly (with exceptions), 7pm - 9pm, $20, at TRS Professional Suites, 40 Exchange Pl. (in lower Manhattan financial district) 3rd Fl. Please rsvp via my contact page in order to attend!
We start with a guided meditation and then give ½ hr. Reiki treatments. I started the circle as a place for my students and Reiki practitioners from other lineages to meditate and share Reiki. The circle is open to the public so that anyone who is interested in learning Reiki or receiving Reiki treatments can meet me and my students, get a short treatment, ask questions and find out what Reiki is all about. I ask for a $20 donation from all participants.
A woman came to Deer Spirit Reiki Circle for the first time on Monday, Nov. 8th, 2010 and asked for healing for her stepfather during the meditation. The next day, she sent me this e-mail --
"My stepfather has been in the hospital for about two weeks now. He originally went into the hospital for a staff infection from the port that was used for dialysis. While in the hospital his kidneys were getting weaker and he started to develop fluid around his heart. When the doctors went in to remove the fluid from around his heart, they punctured a lung. He took a turn for the worse and they put him on a respirator. He was very heavily sedated but could hear what was going on. He could squeeze someone's hand or wiggle a toe in response to their questions. On Friday, 11/5, 2010, he went into cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated. The doctors prepared the family for the worst and asked if he had a will because they did not expect him to live past two or three days. My little sister was devastated and stayed at the hospital as much as she could. She told me that the doctors told her that he would never walk out of the hospital."
"Last night, during the circle, I offered the intention that he would get well and walk out of the hospital. This morning, my sister called me and told me that the doctors took the tubes out, took him off the respirator, and he's talking, and is very, very hungry.......for pancakes in particular....lol! Although he is not completely out of the woods, he has done what the doctors said he would not do. I could not believe it when she told me. May the blessings continue to flow to every person you and your students/practitioners touch. Thank you and I'm hoping to see you soon! I am going to bring a friend with me."